Welcome to the server.
- Please be respectful of other players things.
- Do not take things from chests that you do not own.
- Do not grief other players builds or bases.
- Do not leave unsightly messes.
- Make sure to grab a free guide book from the spawn shop for easy command usage.
- You will automatically receive $15000 when joining the server. You can use this to purchase starter items from the shop. After that you will receive $50 for each ~5 minutes that you play on the server. You can also earn money by selling bones to the shop at spawn. 1 bone equals 1 dollar.
- I would recommend buying a pig spawner and a skeleton spawn egg to setup a skeleton mob grinder at your base so that you can earn XP and bones to sell at the shop. Mob spawners cannot be moved. So, please be sure you know where you want to place it down before you do so. To convert the pig spawner to to skeleton, place the pig spawner down and then right click it with the skeleton spawn egg.
- Right now the only way to make money is by selling bones to the shop and by spending time playing on the server. I am open to the idea of adding more items that you can sell to the shop for money as long as it is not too overpowered. Please let me know if you have suggestions.
/trigger sethome
Sets your new home location.
/trigger home
Teleports you to your home location.
/trigger spawn
Teleports you to spawn.
/trigger grave
Shows you your last death location coordinates.
/trigger back
Teleports you back to your last death location. (can only be used once per death)
/trigger ch_toggle
Toggles location coordinates info shown on screen.